Happy May 1st. It's been a tough 4 months but it WILL GET BETTER! Our business philosophy at Aria Grace Law is really simple: by looking after others we can look after ourselves too - we all grow incrementally (health, finance, wellbeing). This is not wishy-washy (after all, we are a pretty tough commercial law firm), because, as we have found, when you drive ethics into your business you get better happier clients, lawyers, and you get to give back to society, all while being highly profitable. That's pretty great. So, if you live your values, they will pay you back!
We lead by example too - much has been written about our equal pay model (proudly the highest in the legal industry) and how we plant trees and give 5% of our profits to charity but we also consistently practice gratitude in our day-to-day actions and genuinely care about society as a whole including the future generation of lawyers. For example, since last year, we have been sponsoring student legal body, LittleLaw to help them to further develop their online platform where they unite, help and share useful information with their peers. We choose to support LittleLaw because we love what they're doing: collaborating and working together to help each other. We also want to show the future generation that there are ethical business models like ours and are delighted to share an article written by Maab Saifeldin from LittleLaw which you can see here.
2020 has turned out to be less about vision and more about hindsight. With 2020 hindsight, true value is now being recognised, whether it the NHS or essential workers - nobody really cares what Kanye West is wearing or how celebs are suffering. Values are being dusted off and re-energised. We have seen how corporate greed has affected all of us and the future is about making the change happen, not by words but by action. It WILL GET BETTER, and collectively we have the opportunity to make it happen: deeds not words.
General Update by Lindsay Healy – Founder at Aria Grace Law 01.05.2020